Geographical Summary Breakdown Report
Geographical Summary Breakdown is available only for Single-Location Radius counts and is complementary to Breakdown by Geography report. You can request to break down records by a geography of higher level than the granularity level in your search. For more information on the granularity levels, see Granularity.
For example, the granularity level used for the count is ZIP+4, and Geographical Breakdown report contains a great number of rows displaying the number of records for each ZIP+4. If you want to reduce the number of categories in the report, you can break down records either by ZIP CRRT or by ZIP in the Geographical Summary Breakdown report.
The number of rows in the report is limited to 1000. If the number of rows exceeds this value, the report is not produced.
The options available for Geographical Summary Breakdown depend on the granularity level of your radius search:
Current Granularity Level |
Available Breakdown Options |
N/A |
ZIP code |
ZIP+4 |
ZIP code and Carrier Route |
Rows in the report are sorted by the minimum distance from the location center.
Geographical Summary Breakdown report also presents the minimum and the maximum distances from the location center for each geographical element. The information about proximity to the location center can be crucial for making better decisions when cutting back records from Geographical Summary Breakdown report.
To request the Geographical Summary Breakdown report, start the regular Breakdown by Geography report procedure and specify the geographical summary breakdown options in the corresponding section. For more information, see Breakdown by Geography.
View example of Geographical Summary report procedure
To view the report, go to Previous Searches. For more information, see View Count Reports.
View example of Geographical Summary report