Upload File

1           On the Options tab, click the Data Analytics button.

2           On the Previous Uploads page, click the New File Upload button.

3            In the File Format list, select the format of your customer file. You have the following options:


         DBF (DBaseIII)

         ASCII Fixed


To view the example of the file in the selected format, click the View Example link.

To view the information on the uploaded fire layout requirements, click the Tips link.

For more information on the file formats, see File Formats.

For more information on the uploaded file layout, see the Uploaded File Layout Requirements.

4           Select the way to upload your file. You have two options:

         Upload the file from your computer. This option is recommended if the size of your file is less than 10 Mb. Select Standard, click Browse, and open the file to be uploaded.

         Upload the file from your FTP. This option is recommended if the size of your file is more than 10 Mb. Select the corresponding option and in the URL field enter the URL of your FTP site in the following format: ftp://login:password@ftp.site.com/dir1/file1.txt

5           (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of your upload file for its better identification. The maximum length of the entry is 255 characters.

6           Click Upload.

If the customer file you upload is very large, the submission for upload might take some time. In this case, you will be notified about the upload submission completion by email and provided with instructions for completing the upload process.

7           There are the following possible outcomes:

         In case of the standard upload, the upload results are displayed, as well as the first five records from your customer file.

         If the file upload failed, the upload details contain fail reasons, and columns containing invalid values are in red in the records sample. To return to the previous page and upload the corrected file, click Re-Upload.

8           Click Continue.

9           On the File Upload Notification Email page, enter or edit the email address to which notification about file upload completion is sent.

10       On the page for reviewing your file upload information, enter or edit the email for the file upload confirmation email.

11       (Optional) Enter the email address to which you want to send a BCC order confirmation.

12       Read and accept the License Agreement, and click Confirm.

You upload appears on the Previous Uploads page with the Processing status. Once the upload process is complete, you receive a notification email with the further instructions.

For more information on the statuses of your file upload statuses, see File Upload Statuses.
