Managing Your Mail Pieces
You can manage your previously submitted mail pieces: view, copy, delete, and edit them.
You cannot edit and delete mail pieces that have already been approved, or are associated with an order.
1 In the Options tab, click Account Preferences.
2 On the left pane, click Mail Pieces.
You can filter the mail pieces in the list by the following criteria:
• Status. You can select to view only mail pieces with a certain status, or all the mail pieces regardless of the status.
• List. The list for which the mail piece is valid.
• Submitted by. You can either select to view mail pieces submitted by you, or by all the members of your company.
By default, all the mail pieces pending approval are displayed.
The information pertaining to each mail piece is presented in the following fields:
• Mail Piece Code. A unique identifier of the mail piece assigned by the system.
• Mail Piece Name. A name provided by the submitter for better identification.
• Status. There are four possible statuses: pending, approved, expired, and rejected.
• List Code. Three-letter identifier of the list for which the mail piece is valid.
• Duration. The number of times the mail piece can be used and the period of validity for the mail piece.
• Times Used. The number of times the mail piece has already been used.
• Submitted. The date when the mail piece was submitted.
• Approved. The date when the mail piece was approved.
• Last Used. The date when the mail piece was last used.
To edit, copy, and delete a mail piece, or view its contents, click the corresponding mail piece code.
1 In the Options tab, click Account Preferences.
2 On the left pane, click Mail Pieces.
3 Double-click the needed mail piece from the Mail Piece Code column.
4 On the Edit Mail Piece Approval Code page, make the necessary changes:
• Edit the mail piece name
• Select another list for the mail piece
• Upload another file
• Edit notes you want to provide to the reviewer
5 Click Save to submit the changes.
You can also submit a new mail piece by copying the information from a previously submitted one. Each copied field can then be edited.
1 In the Options tab, click Account Preferences.
2 In the left pane, select Mail Pieces.
3 Double-click the needed mail piece from the Mail Piece Code column.
4 On the Edit Mail Piece Approval Code page, click Copy.
A page for submitting a new mail piece is displayed. The following fields have been copied: Mail Piece Name, List Name, Notes, as well as the mail piece file itself. Notice that a new unique code has been assigned to the mail piece.
5 Review the mail piece information and make changes if necessary.
6 Click Save.
1 In the Options tab, click Account Preferences.
2 In the left pane, select Mail Pieces.
3 Double-click the needed mail piece from the Mail Piece Code column.
4 To delete the mail piece, click Delete. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK in the confirmation dialog box.
The Delete and Save buttons are not displayed for the mail pieces with “approved” and “expired” status. They are also not displayed if the mail piece is associated with an order.
To go back to the list of mail pieces, click Cancel.